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The Library currently has 456 resources listed in its catalogue. You can browse through the catalogue here.

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Entry TitleTitleSubtitleSeriesYearVersionIssueAuthor(s)Document TypeLanguageKeywordsFiletype
Sermon on the Clown (TXT)Sermon on the Clown3186drilldocument, pamphletentxt
#TheGame23#TheGame23thegame23_guidelinesanonymousgame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
TheGame23 - Adacic1033 ModTheGame23thegame23_guidelines3183adacic3301game, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
TheGame23: Interfacing with TylerInterfacing with Tyler the Controlling AIthegame23_guidelines3183quinn_michaelsgame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
TheGame23 - Galdrux Mod#TheGame23Galdrux Cultthegame23_guidelinesgame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
#TheGame23 - Technomeritocrazy Mod#TheGame23 META-Instructionsthegame23_guidelinesgame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
Game23: Exextri - English VersionGame23: EXEXTRIthegame23_guidelinesVersion 1.5dalyanqinqingame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argpdf
The Hunting of the FNORD!The Hunting of the FNORD!An Agony To Read In 5 Meows By Prince Mu-Chao Annotated By Rev. Happy Fun Ballprofessor_mu-chao, happy_fun_ballbook, pamphletencastlechaos, lewis_carrollpdf
Der bannende ChaosapfelDer bannende Chaosapfelpamphlet, instructionsdecwc, candywitch_covenpdf
#TheGame23 presents #CICADA23 Rules\#TheGame23 presents \#CICADA23 Rulesthegame23_guidelines3178game, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
Intermittens 11 - Post-Truth (epub)IntermittensVolume 11: Post-Truthintermittens318711magazine, periodicalenintermittens_xi, imxiepub
Intermittens 11 - Post-Truth (Kindle)IntermittensVolume 11: Post-Truthintermittens3187Kindle (azw3)11magazine, periodicalenintermittens_xi, imxiazw3
Intermittens 11 - Post-Truth (PDF)IntermittensVolume 11: Post-Truthintermittens3187PDF11magazine, periodicalenintermittens_xi, imxipdf
Intermittens 11 - Post-Truth (PDF b/w)IntermittensVolume 11: Post-Truthintermittens3187PDF b/w11magazine, periodicalenintermittens_xi, imxipdf
Intermittens 11 - Post-Truth (PDF Letter)IntermittensVolume 11: Post-Truthintermittens3187PDF U.S. Letter11magazine, periodicalenintermittens_xi, imxipdf
Principia Discordia 3rd Edition (fragments)Principia Discordiaor How I Found Goddess And What I Did To Her When I Found Her: The Magnum Opiate Of Malaclypse The Younger, Wherein is Explained Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About Absolutely Anything31353rd EditionMalaclypse The Younger, Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurstbook, fragmentenzip_jpg
Grimoire DiscordiaGrimoire DiscordiaAlso known as The Magic Book of Strife, The Magnum Opiate of Alynaar the Shatteredalynaar_the_shatteredbookenprayerpdf
Discordian Calendar 3189 YoldDiscordian Calendar 3189 Yold3189drasticweevilcalendarenpdf
Are You Bored?Operation Brownie Pockets (lite)Are You Bored?operation_brownie_pockets1.0fsof_cabalpamphlet, bookletenpdf
Are You Bored? (1.5)Operation Brownie Pockets (lite)Are You Bored?operation_brownie_pockets1.5fsof_cabalpamphlet, bookletenpdf
Individuate BibleIndividuate Biblearchangelidiotisbookenidiotispdf
Erisian 00001ErisianFor the prettiest one.erisian_magazine318600001magazine, periodicalenpdf
Erisian 00002ErisianIs it really a "hostile takeover" if noone is alive to be hostive towards you?erisian_magazine318700002magazine, periodicalenpdf
start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 19:20 by Bwana Honolulu