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Entry TitleTitleSubtitleSeriesYearVersionIssueAuthor(s)Document TypeLanguage KeywordsFiletype
Intermittens 11 - Post-Truth (PDF Letter)IntermittensVolume 11: Post-Truthintermittens3187PDF U.S. Letter11magazine, periodicalenintermittens_xi, imxipdf
1979 Sears and Roebuck Catalog1979 Sears and Roebuck CatalogThe Finest Discordian Literaturetimothy_bowenpamphlet, collection, flyerenrustle, jimmiespdf
The Hunting of the FNORD!The Hunting of the FNORD!An Agony To Read In 5 Meows By Prince Mu-Chao Annotated By Rev. Happy Fun Ballprofessor_mu-chao, happy_fun_ballbook, pamphletencastlechaos, lewis_carrollpdf
Strange Times Tales + Voojaday Double HeaderStrange Times Tales + Voojaday Double Header3184roldo_odlorcomic, comic_bookenstream_of_consciousness, haiku, lionspdf
The Callipygian GrimoireThe Callipygian GrimoireDiscordian Activity & Spell Bookpope_kingyakbookenmagicpdf
The Pomegranate PropheciesThe Pomegranate PropheciesA Lost Book Ov thee Babblings Ov Diogenes Containing Within Lost Mysteries Ov Thee 23 Current As Found and Translated By Rev. Billy F. Sasquatch Ov thee LDS Cabaldkmu2012rev._billy_f._sasquatch, rev._madqueen, rev._akana_shadowfyre, rev._lewis_carpathia, doktor_metis_o_bedlam, seth_moris, thee_vicar_ov_tzeentch, rev._kiki, ave_cthonos, nyte, vectress_ouroboros_ov_the_qao, monsignor_feldspar_ov_void, alejandrew_puffin_paparox, hokurai, nylus, beck_beckertonbookenmagickpdf
The Origin of Hexorius and the Hexorian MovementThe Origin of Hexorius and the Hexorian Movementdkmuyavhe_alexanderbook, bookletenmagickpdf
Technik I Dreamer (eng)Dreamercwc3186dusty_starsniffflyer, pamphletencandywitch, phool, discordian_magic, magickpdf
Technik I DreamerDreamercwc3186dusty_starsniffflyer, pamphletdecandywitch, phool, discordian_magic, magickpdf
SR23Informationen über die Schwarmmine SR05cwc3187dusty_starsniffflyer, pamphlet, manualdecandywitch, phool, discordian_magic, magickpdf
SchaltkreiskundeCATMA II - MatrixMagie I - Kleine Schaltkreiskundecwc3187dusty_starsniffflyer, pamphlet, manualdecandywitch, phool, discordian_magic, magickde
The Devia DiscordiaThe Devia Discordia3167, 3181st._vagus_the_unknowablebookenmoviepdf
1,000 Blank White Cards (Alana)1,000 Blank White Cards3186alanagame, card_gameenbwc, 1kbwc, nomicpdf
NSA - SchadensersatzSchadensersatzforderung an die NSA2013bwana_honoluluflyerdensapdf
NSA - ZirkusSPEKTAKEL in der eigenen PrivatsphäreEin Flugblatt gegen Überwachungswahn und verlogene Politik2013bwana_honoluluflyerdensapdf
The Pentatorah-ZerostoreThe Pentatorah-ZerostoreA.K.A. The Lesser-Than-Little Key of Confususnevermind_cabalbooklet, web_pageentorah, kabbalah, numerologyhtm
The Magickal Journal of Frater AlysyroseThe Magickal Journal of Frater Alysyrosedkmu3186frater_alysyrosebook, journalenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
The DKMU Pirate Manifesto (v2)The DKMU Pirate Manifestodkmu3183v2ailura_ringtail, alex_barnhart, idris_elsenussi, roni_jean_neal, frater_alysyrose, sean_alexander, ahavah_ain_soph, nick_nova, silencedbookenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
A Brief Examination Of the 156/663 CurrentA Brief Examination Of the 156/663 Currentdkmu, a.a.o3178a.a.obook, essayenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
An Interview with Joel Biroco (Liber Sigillum Excerpt)Frater E.S. Interviews Joel BirocoAn Excerpt from Liber Sigillumdkmu, a.a.o, liber_sigillum3178frater_e.s, a.a.obooklet, interview, excerptenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
On Meditation & Dream (Liber Sigillum Excerpt)On Meditation & DreamAn Excerpt from Liber Sigillumdkmu, a.a.o, liber_sigillum3178frater_e.s, a.a.obooklet, excerptenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
The A.A.O. HandbookThe A.A.O. HandbookA Concise Treatise on the Underlying Principles of a Root Theory Systemdkmu, a.a.o3180Version 1.0a.a.o, kiki_wandererbook, bookletenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
A.A.O. - The Grassmick Format For the Documentation of Preternatural Results (Printer)The Grassmick FormatFor the Documentation of Preternatural Resultsdkmu, a.a.o3179Printer Versionfrater_e.s, a.a.oform, template, documentationenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 19:20 by Bwana Honolulu