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Entry TitleTitleSubtitleSeriesYearVersionIssueAuthor(s) Document TypeLanguageKeywordsFiletype
The Discordia TotalisThe Discordia Totalis3172rev._pope_mome_shiny_beadsbook, collectionenprincipia_discordia, metaclysma_discordia, summa_discordia, book_of_eris, zenarchy, zenarchists_cookbook, apocrypha_discordiapdf
Swine FluDo you have Swine Flu?3175collection_flyer_posterenswine_flu_hysteria, hysteria, pandemicpdf
Discordian Coloring BookPages From A Discordian Coloring Booklaramie_sassevillebook, coloring_bookenartpdf
XX3 - The BookXX3 - The BookVol 23.1 "Unlucky Pie"3179the_reverend_master_shaman_frazzleknot_v._kozodoj_the_23rdbook, comicenpdf
Wired Tales #1Wired Taleswired_tales3184#1roldo_odlorcomic, comic_bookenpdf
Wired Tales #2Wired Taleswired_tales3184#2roldo_odlorcomic, comic_bookenpdf
Too Twisted TalesToo Twisted Tales3184roldo_odlorcomic, comic_bookenpdf
Strange Times Tales + Voojaday Double HeaderStrange Times Tales + Voojaday Double Header3184roldo_odlorcomic, comic_bookenstream_of_consciousness, haiku, lionspdf
Why We HereWhy We Heredkmufred_van_lente, steve_elliscomic, comic_stripennecronomicon, lovecraft, great_old_ones, cthulhupdf
Statuten der Kirche des Grünen KängurusStatuten der Kirche des Grünen KängurusDie rechtliche Struktur der Kirche des Grünen Känguruskgk3187outis_so-tsi_gemsirt_der_unschluessigeconstitutiondepdf
Catch 'Em All!Soul ContractTransfer of Ownershipfsof_cabalcontract, documentensoul, unholypdf
A.A.O. - The Grassmick Format For the Documentation of Preternatural Results (Printer)The Grassmick FormatFor the Documentation of Preternatural Resultsdkmu, a.a.o3179Printer Versionfrater_e.s, a.a.oform, template, documentationenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
A.A.O. - The Grassmick Format For the Documentation of Preternatural Results (Text)The Grassmick FormatFor the Documentation of Preternatural Resultsdkmu, a.a.o3179Text Versionfrater_e.s, a.a.oform, template, documentationenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultdocx
SerapenSerapenDiscordische Müthologie - Diktat der Göttin 1318402cpt._bucky_saiabook, booklet, flyer, pamphlet, essaydeflying_ape, flying_monkey, ormek, billbob, billbob_cipherpantspdf
A Brief Examination Of the 156/663 CurrentA Brief Examination Of the 156/663 Currentdkmu, a.a.o3178a.a.obook, essayenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
Partnership Agreement of the Black Iron Prison Investment ClubPartnership Agreement of the Black Iron Prison Investment Clubcontract, document, eulaenpdf
Liber AnarkhosLiber AnarkhosAn Anarchist Grimoire3178a._wretchbook, grimoire, excerptendysnomia, dysnomianism, anarkhospdf
Religion can’t be a joke, right?Religion can’t be a joke, right?3185j._christian_greeressay, excerptenpdf
An Interview with Joel Biroco (Liber Sigillum Excerpt)Frater E.S. Interviews Joel BirocoAn Excerpt from Liber Sigillumdkmu, a.a.o, liber_sigillum3178frater_e.s, a.a.obooklet, interview, excerptenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
On Meditation & Dream (Liber Sigillum Excerpt)On Meditation & DreamAn Excerpt from Liber Sigillumdkmu, a.a.o, liber_sigillum3178frater_e.s, a.a.obooklet, excerptenmagick, chaos_magick, khaos_magick, occultpdf
The DKMU Godforms (Liber Sigillum Excerpt)The DKMU GodformsAn Excerpt from Liber Sigillumdkmu, a.a.o, liber_sigillum3179frater_e.s, a.a.obooklet, excerptenpdf
101 Ways to Make Everybody's Day Weirder101 Ways to Make Everybody's Day Weirderbooklet, pamphlet, flyerenoperation_mindfuckpdf
Become A Missing Personbecome a missing personuniversity_of_dayton2008flyerenpdf
start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 19:20 by Bwana Honolulu