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Entry Title TitleSubtitleSeriesYearVersionIssueAuthor(s)Document TypeLanguageKeywordsFiletype
The Official Erisian Heresy Newsletter Volume 1The Official Erisian Heresy Newsletterthe_official_erisian_heresy_newsletterVolume 1newsletter, periodicalentxt
The Origin of Hexorius and the Hexorian MovementThe Origin of Hexorius and the Hexorian Movementdkmuyavhe_alexanderbook, bookletenmagickpdf
The Pentatorah-ZerostoreThe Pentatorah-ZerostoreA.K.A. The Lesser-Than-Little Key of Confususnevermind_cabalbooklet, web_pageentorah, kabbalah, numerologyhtm
The Pomegranate PropheciesThe Pomegranate PropheciesA Lost Book Ov thee Babblings Ov Diogenes Containing Within Lost Mysteries Ov Thee 23 Current As Found and Translated By Rev. Billy F. Sasquatch Ov thee LDS Cabaldkmu2012rev._billy_f._sasquatch, rev._madqueen, rev._akana_shadowfyre, rev._lewis_carpathia, doktor_metis_o_bedlam, seth_moris, thee_vicar_ov_tzeentch, rev._kiki, ave_cthonos, nyte, vectress_ouroboros_ov_the_qao, monsignor_feldspar_ov_void, alejandrew_puffin_paparox, hokurai, nylus, beck_beckertonbookenmagickpdf
The Pope x Mass = Accellerated Jesus (P x M = a_j) (November 11, 1993)The Pope x Mass = Accellerated Jesus(P x M = a_j)the_pope_x_mass_accellerated_jesus1993Issue 1 Number 1james_stillmagazine, periodicalentxt
The Pope x Mass = Accellerated Jesus (P x M = a_j) (March 2, 1994)The Pope x Mass = Accellerated Jesus(P x M = a_j)the_pope_x_mass_accellerated_jesus1994Issue 1 Number 2james_stillmagazine, periodicalentxt
The Principles of Discordian MagickThe Principles of Discordian MagickA Very Loose Discussion by Lord Falgan, F.M., K.S.C. Novus Ordo Seclorum Erisiumlord_falgantreatmentenmagic, phooltxt
The Prophets of the Main WayThe Prophets of the Main Way2011prof._cramulusbookenpdf
The Psychonaut Field ManualThe Psychonaut Field Manual3181third pdf editionarch-traitor_blueflukebook, manualenmagic, magick, chaos_magickpdf
The Secret of XonliaThe Secret of Xonliaxonlialilly_van_de_numbersflyerenpdf
The Turkey CurseThe Turkey Cursetreatment, flyerentxt, cur
The Un-religionThe Un-religionfsof_cabalflyer, surveyensurveypdf
The Universal Chaos MatrixThe Universal Chaos Matrixbarbra_moelbook, booklet, pamphletensigils, glyphspdf
The Well Cultured AnonymousThe Well Cultured Anonymous3173bbook, manualen4chan, anonpdf
The Wholly Book of Clichés & CabbagesThe Wholly Book of Clichés & CabbagesA Discordian RPG based on the RISUS Systemprofessor_mu-chaoenpdf
The Wise Book of BaloneyThe Wise Book of Baloneyor: Focus Your Glass Eye On This, Sucka!3172baron_von_hooplabookenstroganoff, recipepdf
The Zenarchist's CookbookThe Zenarchist's Cookbookbookenzenarchypdf
The Big Purple Book of Esoteric DiscombobulationThe big purple book of esoteric discombobulation2010krauw_of_the_forgotten_namebookenpdf
The grate book of MOOThe grate book of MOOenpdf
The grate book of MOO TXTThe grate book of MOOentxt
TheGame23 - Adacic1033 ModTheGame23thegame23_guidelines3183adacic3301game, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
There Is No Discordian SocietyThere Is No Discordian Society3173flyer, pamphletenpdf
There Is No Discordian Society (txt)There Is No Discordian Societyflyer, pamphlet, monospace_textentxt
start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 19:20 by Bwana Honolulu