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Entry TitleTitleSubtitleSeriesYearVersion IssueAuthor(s)Document TypeLanguageKeywordsFiletype
#TheGame23#TheGame23thegame23_guidelinesanonymousgame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
TheGame23 - Adacic1033 ModTheGame23thegame23_guidelines3183adacic3301game, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
TheGame23: Interfacing with TylerInterfacing with Tyler the Controlling AIthegame23_guidelines3183quinn_michaelsgame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
TheGame23 - Galdrux Mod#TheGame23Galdrux Cultthegame23_guidelinesgame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
#TheGame23 - Technomeritocrazy Mod#TheGame23 META-Instructionsthegame23_guidelinesgame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
Game23: Exextri - English VersionGame23: EXEXTRIthegame23_guidelinesVersion 1.5dalyanqinqingame, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argpdf
The Hunting of the FNORD!The Hunting of the FNORD!An Agony To Read In 5 Meows By Prince Mu-Chao Annotated By Rev. Happy Fun Ballprofessor_mu-chao, happy_fun_ballbook, pamphletencastlechaos, lewis_carrollpdf
Der bannende ChaosapfelDer bannende Chaosapfelpamphlet, instructionsdecwc, candywitch_covenpdf
#TheGame23 presents #CICADA23 Rules\#TheGame23 presents \#CICADA23 Rulesthegame23_guidelines3178game, meta_gameenthegame23, tg23, argtxt
Principia Discordia 3rd Edition (fragments)Principia Discordiaor How I Found Goddess And What I Did To Her When I Found Her: The Magnum Opiate Of Malaclypse The Younger, Wherein is Explained Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About Absolutely Anything31353rd EditionMalaclypse The Younger, Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurstbook, fragmentenzip_jpg
Grimoire DiscordiaGrimoire DiscordiaAlso known as The Magic Book of Strife, The Magnum Opiate of Alynaar the Shatteredalynaar_the_shatteredbookenprayerpdf
Discordian Calendar 3189 YoldDiscordian Calendar 3189 Yold3189drasticweevilcalendarenpdf
Are You Bored?Operation Brownie Pockets (lite)Are You Bored?operation_brownie_pockets1.0fsof_cabalpamphlet, bookletenpdf
Are You Bored? (1.5)Operation Brownie Pockets (lite)Are You Bored?operation_brownie_pockets1.5fsof_cabalpamphlet, bookletenpdf
Individuate BibleIndividuate Biblearchangelidiotisbookenidiotispdf
The Pentatorah-ZerostoreThe Pentatorah-ZerostoreA.K.A. The Lesser-Than-Little Key of Confususnevermind_cabalbooklet, web_pageentorah, kabbalah, numerologyhtm
Liber AnarkhosLiber AnarkhosAn Anarchist Grimoire3178a._wretchbook, grimoire, excerptendysnomia, dysnomianism, anarkhospdf
Alchemy of the Pineal GlandAlchemy of the Pineal Gland3175james_portocarrero, tristanbookenpdf
Discordian Ritual CleansingReport on Discordian Methods of Ritual Cleansing May 23, 19672008booklet, instruction_manual, fragmentenpdf
The Pomegranate PropheciesThe Pomegranate PropheciesA Lost Book Ov thee Babblings Ov Diogenes Containing Within Lost Mysteries Ov Thee 23 Current As Found and Translated By Rev. Billy F. Sasquatch Ov thee LDS Cabaldkmu2012rev._billy_f._sasquatch, rev._madqueen, rev._akana_shadowfyre, rev._lewis_carpathia, doktor_metis_o_bedlam, seth_moris, thee_vicar_ov_tzeentch, rev._kiki, ave_cthonos, nyte, vectress_ouroboros_ov_the_qao, monsignor_feldspar_ov_void, alejandrew_puffin_paparox, hokurai, nylus, beck_beckertonbookenmagickpdf
Chaomatrie (deutsch)ChaomatrieDiscordische Zahlenmystikxonliaflyerdegematriapdf
Chaomatrie (english)ChaomatrieDiscordian Number Mysticismxonliaflyerenpdf
Das Geheimniss von XonliaDas Geheimniss von Xonliaxonlialilly_van_de_numbersflyerdepdf
start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 19:20 by Bwana Honolulu