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Welcome To The Discordian Library

The Library currently has 456 resources listed in its catalogue. You can browse through the catalogue here.

There's a problem with one of the cloud hosters right now who un-published several links to documents. We are working on fixing the issue, but it's a lot of work, basically rebuilding everything. Please have patience.

What is this thing you're looking at? Read about it here.

Entry TitleTitleSubtitleSeries YearVersionIssueAuthor(s)Document TypeLanguageKeywordsFiletype
101 Ways to Make Everybody's Day Weirder101 Ways to Make Everybody's Day Weirderbooklet, pamphlet, flyerenoperation_mindfuckpdf
The Ancient Discordian Deck (Second Version, PDF)The Ancient Discordian DeckSecond Versionmax_flax_beeblewax, boing_cnoocy_mosque_o_witzcard, tarotenpdf
DisCalPerpetual Date Converter From Gregorian To POEE Calendarcalendar, imageenpng
discordia by synaptaclypsediscordia by synaptaclypseenjpg
Last WordsLast Wordsudaytonchaosbrigadeflyer_posterenpdf
Letter to the CabbagesLetter to the Cabbagesletter_pamphletenpdf
Pirate Pass-Off for Avery Business CardsPirate Pass-Off for Avery Business Cardscard_gameenpdf
PosterGASM Free JobPosterGASM Free Jobpostergasmflyer, posterenpdf
PosterGASM Ignite YourselfPosterGASM Ignite Yourselfpostergasmflyer, posterenpdf
PosterGASM Paid AssistantPosterGASM Paid Assistantpostergasmflyer, posterenpdf
PosterGASM UFO SightingPosterGASM UFO Sightingpostergasmflyer, posterenpdf
Principia Discordia HTMLPrincipia Discordia HTMLenhtm
Principia Discordia 5th Edition Spiral CoverPrincipia Discordia 5th Editionenpdf
Principia Discordia 4th Edition TXTPrincipia Discordia 4th Editionentxt
Printable Facebook-Like-StickersPrintable Facebook-Like-Stickersenpdf
The Zenarchist's CookbookThe Zenarchist's Cookbookbookenzenarchypdf
Two MindfraxTwo Mindfraxflyer_posterenmissing_dog, dog, hornetpdf
What is FnordWhat is Fnord?kristin_buxton, dirk_wendt, alt.discordiaentxt
23 Things to Amuse Yourself While You Wait23 Things to Amuse Yourself While You Waitpamphletenevangelismpdf
A Discordian Directory Nr. 24A Discordian DirectoryNr. 24the_bavarian_illuminati_tennessee_chapter_headquartersmagazine, periodicalenpdf
A Chaos Marxism PrimerA Chaos Marxism Primerdolores_lapicho, prof_cramulusbookenmagick, chaos, philosophypdf
APPD Berlin Wahlprogramm 2011MEHR! für Berlin!APPD Berlin - Wahlprogramm zu den Wahlen in Berlin 2011bookletdepoliticspdf
start.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 19:20 by Bwana Honolulu